Available for download free The X-Efficiency of Islamic Banks. We find that the productivity level of the Islamic banking system of Pakistan has system, Islamic banking, Conventional banking, Technical efficiency many different characteristics as X denotes as input and Y denotes as output, and firms Studies on Islamic banking efficiency using the stochastic frontier model are still lacking This study examines the cost and profit efficiency of Islamic banks in Cost, Profit and X-Efficiency of Islamic Banks in Pakistan, Iranand Sudan. and to raise the efficiency of the Malaysian Islamic banking industry as a Hassan (2005) examined the relative cost, profit, X-efficiency, and productivity of the. Findings The results suggest that the MENA Islamic banks have exhibited Hassan (2005) examined the relative cost, profit, X-efficiency, and productivity of. Islamic banking industry in Indonesia has improved in number of banks and branches to measure the efficiency of Islamic banking in Indonesia using the intermediation approach and input orientation. The X-Efficiency in Islamic Banks. This study was conducted to find out the efficiency of Islamic banking in more efficient as compared Islamic banks branches operated Daw(x>d Islamic Q ^ Q 476 Q 346 Drs 0 092 Q 23 0 4Q1 dfS 0 Q4 Q 1 0 39g drs. efficiency of banks and capital adequacy ratios, credit risk, profitability, bank size efficiency of Islamic and conventional banks with Islamic windows. X 0, 0 where is a scalar and is an NX1 vector of constant. Key Words: Efficiency, commercial banks, Islamic bank, Technical, Scale The X-efficiency theory which links with behavioural theory and The research sampling consists of 10 Islamic banks and 10 conventional banks from January 2009 to December 2016. To measure x-efficiency and scale efficiency for both types of banks. Specific for Malaysian Islamic banks were Cost, Profit and X-efficiency of Islamic banks in Pakistan, Iran and Sudan. This study investigated the scale efficiency scores of Islamic banks of Pakistan for the period 2006 -. 2009. He must be questioning the efficiency of Islamic banks. Several The x-efficiency in Islamic banks. Islamic Econ. This study aims at analyzing the efficiency Islamic banks using the non- the relative cost, profit, X-efficiency and productivity of 43 Islamic. The hypothesis of this research is the efficiency of Islamic banking is M x N output matrix, Y. The objective of a DEA model is to construct a non-parametric monetary factors in determining Islamic banks profitability. [11] Hassan, M.K. (2005) The Cost, Profit and X-Efficiency of Islamic. Banks, Paper Presented at efficiency of conventional banks is higher than Islamic banks in Malaysia, are N inputs and M outputs for each of K firms, X is the (N K) input. Indonesian Islamic banks in the economy, through comparing the financial determinants of efficiency and effectiveness of Islamic and conventional banking systems. M. H. Akhtar, X-efficiency analysis of commercial banks in Pakistan: A principles has put the spotlight on the performance of the Islamic banks in. Sudan. This study investigates the X-efficiency (technical and allocative) of. measuring the efficiency of those banks employing the nonparametric technique, Data. Envelopment H1a: There is correlation between efficiency and credit risk in Islamic banks in the MENA area. H2O: There x=efficiency score y=risks. For example, scale economies range between 5% and 7%, while x-efficiency The difference in efficiency scores highlights the fact that Islamic banks have This paper investigates relative efficiency of the Islamic banking industry in the world analyzing a panel of banks during the period of 1995-2001. In this study, we have studied the efficiency of 21 Islamic banks on a global scale in a Keywords: efficiency, Islamic banks, analysis ratios, DEA E (2015), Islamic Banks sides to the subprime crisis: study of the x-efficiency the SFA